Tuesday 31 January 2017


KIARA INSPIRES: THIS IS TO SHOW THAT I LOVE YOU....: Happy February!!!! It's a new month! Another chance to make a step. Another chance to make a change. Another chance to take a ri...


Happy February!!!!
It's a new month!

Another chance to make a step.
Another chance to make a change.
Another chance to take a risk.
Another chance of uplift.
Another chance to soar above the sky.

Now, it's called February!
It's a month of love.
Now is the time to be more faithful.    
The real darlings know the way to love.

January, we wrote down our goals.
February gives the chance to be more relentless.
Now pay heed to things of more relevance.
If lost, get yourself found.

You are your own responsibility.
Now is the time to do you and do your thing.
In the madness of our world, make your words right.
Do not leave things for people more often, but rather, leave things in them that will take them to heights of greatness.

Wickedness is deceitful, it never pays.
Hold your loved ones never let them go.
Be a good friend indeed.
Learn from your mistakes.

It's February, a month of love.
Now, off we go.
Let's make it the best ever known and heard.

Always share and show that you care...

Sunday 29 January 2017

The tortoise: dear bird stop sing in soon the Hunter will come
The bird:if the Hunter comes I will fly away and he will take you from under the tree.
The rope:I do not worry cos am a rope the Hunter has no use of me.

Behold when the Hunter came it met the bird singing and he shot the bird. The bird fell down close to the tortoise and took tortoise he then cut the rope and bonded tortoise and the bird with the rope.
Then tortoise said to the rope..."I told you before that no one is safe.


Saturday 28 January 2017


Be Ever Optimistic!
Optimism is a boundless confidence in yourself and your ability to ultimately succeed.
Optimism is the quality you need for success and persistence.
To be optimistic you have to discipline your thoughts.
To be optimistic you have to discipline your thoughts on how you see your present situation. You are in charge of your own life.
To be optimistic, refuse to be sorry for yourself, rather take actions and do the necessary.
To be optimistic, you do not have to blame others or take excuses, you rather take responsibility..
To be optimistic you are undoubtedly sure of your own success.

Today, choose to become optimistic, see the good out of everything and with the required persistence and effort you will be well garnered to success.

Do you like this piece?
What is your own view of Optimism? ( write your comments below)

Share this post to others, Inspire them to be optimistic today...

Warm regards.


"When God wants to send you a gift, He wraps it up in a problem. The bigger the gift that God wants to send you, the bigger the problem He wraps it in." Normal Vincent Peale

"Within every problem or obstacle lays the seed of an equal or greater opportunity or benefit. Your job is to find it." Napoleon Hill
Whenever you are faced with a problem, just look for the good and gift in it. The problem could also offer you a very valuable lesson.

Do not run from your challenges, face it head on. Challenges makes you stronger and better than before. It offers you a good experience.
So today, I candidly advice that you should not wallow in difficult situation but rather have a good and successful job making the best out of it.

If you do find this piece interesting, kindly SHARE on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media you have.
Put a light and hope in someone today....

Warm Regards.

Thursday 26 January 2017


I tried to sleep alone but found myself wild awake
I tried to eat alone but found myself losing appetite
I tried to work alone but I see my bones breaking
I tried to sing alone but I see no melody in my voice
I tried to drink alone but the wine never went through my throat
I tried to play alone but I see myself losing
I tried to love alone but I see myself loving no one.

Never play Alone.
Peace. ..

Tuesday 24 January 2017


Let me tell you something big..Give importance to something small.

Let me tell you something small..Give importance to something big

In either ways one can go or all can go
Never underrate an idea and never over estimate an idea.
Give it your all and all will give it self to you.

Monday 23 January 2017


These seven steps are quite simple and will enable you to achieve your goals faster. They are outlined below.

Step1: Decide Exactly What You Want.

Step 2: Write it Down. Written goals can be seen, read and easily modified.

Step 3: Set a Deadline for Your Goal. Setting a deadline for your goal keeps you time conscious. It ensures that you work more than ever.But deadlines can also be changed because you either meet up with it, finish before it or even not meeting up with it.

Step 4: Make A List of Anything that Ensures You Achieve Your Goals. It is advisable that you know your obstacles, know and list your difficulties. Know and list the additional knowledge and material required for your goal to be a success. Make a list of people whose support are needed for your goal. Also, take note of everything that you will need to keep yourself abreast with the task ahead.

Step 5: Organize Your List By Both Sequence and Priority. Through sequence, it enables you to know what is the first, second or later thing to do. But when organized with priority, it enables you to know which is more important to do.

Step 6: Take Action on Your Plan Immediately. You are a winner, so take the first step. Just get going and busy. Always follow according to your own plan. Do not hinder your progress because of failure. Plan again and continue with your goal.

Step 7: Do Something Everyday that Moves You in the Direction of Your Goal. Always do something each day of the week to take you forward to your goal. If you do something everyday it will inspire you, motivate you and energize you toward achieving any set goal.

Source: Brian Tracy. Power of Self - Discipline

Do you find this piece interesting?
If you do, why not share it with someone today.
Inspire one person, you inspire a million people.


You cannot wake he who pretends to be asleep
Do not fall for a deceiver
Deceive the deceiver to be deceived
When the player appears to be an expert pretends to be a novice

Remember to use the power of surprise
And always strike when the iron is hot.


To set your spirit free
And give wings to the soul to fly
You must forgive.

To set your enemies free
And give them the chance to repent
You must forgive.

To set a love free
And let it choose and roam within the contents of your affairs
You must forgive.

And behold when you forgive you should know it's not your offenders you set free
But you are the soul that was set free

Sunday 22 January 2017


You got the light to fight the shadows
Why then hide in the dark?
You got the heart of a lion to fight the wolves
Why then hide like the lamb?
You got the voice to sing your way to stardom
Why then hide the melody in your breath?
You got the feet to orchestrate the magic of messi and the wonders of C.Ronaldo
Why then hide those feet like a man with no shoes?

You got the bravery of David
Why then not look goliath in the eyes?
You got the fist to create in you Mohammed Ali
Why then run from fight like a broken China in the sun?

Stand my friend
Fight my friend
Play my friend
Fight my friend.
Peace! !!!

Thursday 19 January 2017


Why stay in rut and rust
Why wail of heavens curse or frown
Why think of fate as a thing unjust
When the fear of failure holds you down?

It is better to try and fail
Than die a prey to a haunting thought 
And a longing heart too weak or frail
To make the climb to the summit sought.

Arise,faint heart,be bold and brave,
Cast off the enslaving chains of fear,
Drift not towards a cowards grave
Arise,go forward with a good cheer.

Let faith becomes your strengths and shields 
Let perseverance be your sword 
The scroll of victory is sealed
With your success a golden word. 

Wednesday 18 January 2017


Unless the bird dies it will by all means grow beautiful features again.

Monday 16 January 2017


Hello dear!!!
I actually really missed been here.  
I missed sharing inspirational contents daily here. 

I have been definitely off line for some reasons.

But here, I am. 
Obviously, some changes have been made. The former name Kiara Nuellz has now been changed to Kiara Inspires.
This blog, henceforth will now be narrowed down to provide only inspirational messages.

Your progress and joy is my concern.

Also, you are welcome to advertise your business here with us at a very affordable price and plan.

Subscribe here with us and always stay tuned for the best of inspirational messages.

Kiara Inspires...your getting better is my aim....

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