Thursday 2 June 2016


A RABBIT runs, jumps, moves faster and lives for only fifteen (15) years while 
A TORTOISE doesn't even attempt any of such activities but lives for 150 years or more?

LESSON: Life is not about rushing, comparism and doing what others are doing but rather keep calm and do what is right and what you are called to do. They may live in the same forest with the same color and play together but we must remember that we will have age mate, class mate, school mate, office mates but there is no 'DESTINY MATE' in this life.
Be who you are called to be,
love who you are and thank God for your special journey which may not look like others!!
This is the simplest way to succeed in life!!
God Bless you, and keep looking forward  because  those beside you are not going where you are exactly going. 

Be a source of inspiration to someone today...
Have a great Morning !! 

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