Saturday, 1 April 2017

Last Night; Last Night Was Like A Full Night & I Lived It In These Words

I have always been the lover of nights
I have always cherished these times where my thoughts are in the right
Not in the day times when much of all I do is sweat and sigh
Not in the day times when things are submerged in an  often busy sight

I was created a female
If opportunity crosses my path in the reincarnation, I had still prefer being a female
As often as I may think, my world is perfectly crazy
As funny as  it may seem, my world is bright and so busy that leaves me often dizzy

Being a little girl, growing up was fun
Being that little chap blessed with the brightness of the sun
Played games with the boys
Practised sports with the boys
Yet, mama reminded me often, that I am a girl child
Yet, with the recent turn of events, the pretty thought is wild

I hate to think often just as I shy often away
I will belong to that someone whom I will cherish everyday
Life taught us that love couldn't be bought
Crises then comes and I  wish life offers easily what we sought

I once climbed painstakingly a hill,
At the top, with a victory, I won't forget my will
Now, where is the love for I am a lover
A lover that never wavers
In the storm, I stayed stronger

I yearned for the greater dreams
I had the dreams of great ambitions
And I am constrained till' it being accomplished
Regardless, I am still a human that loves to love

Don't think my toughness is impossible to love
Hurt by love, so broken by love
Yet, I am willing to give in to love
Still in so much love with myself
Despite my silly mistakes

My love can never go missing,
I find it in homes, everywhere and all I come across
It's everywhere even in the least of my expectation
It's even in my darkest hours of depression
It's my will which is mine and still willing to overcome all situation.


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