Wednesday 29 July 2015


    "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith".

                                                                                                       Franklin Delano Roosevelt

You aren't an accidental being. You may be born out of wedlock. Your parents may not have planned your pregnancy. But then you came into the world, which means there's a purpose. Nothing happens by accident or by chance. Like I said, you aren't an accidental being. 
Mark Twain said" there are two most important days in the life of man, the day you were born and discovered why". Some came to this world and left, and somehow it was as if they were not born. When purpose isn't known or discovered, abuse is inevitable including your life.
In finding your purpose, you have to greatly believe in yourself and constantly hold unto the positive side. Rocks and stones may stand on your path, but that's not withholding you from pushing forth with your God given purpose. Never limit your self or give your self a low self esteem, love yourself rather and achieve your purpose.
You get the best out of your life when you discover your purpose. If a product is used not for the intended purpose, you can't get the best out of it. The beginning of discovering your life purpose is to go back to your source and that's God. If you buy a product and you don't how to use it, you check the manual or possibly contact the manufacturer. Life loses meaning without purpose. God bless you!

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