Tuesday, 21 July 2015


We all desire to win. Nobody wants to lose. It is nobody's desire to lose. But then in life sometimes you win and lose. How do you balance the two. There are lessons for us to learn and appropriate into our lives when we lose, make mistake and get disappointed. The bitter truth is that you learn more when you lose than when you win. I am not saying you should expect to lose. I am saying, when you've tried your best and didn't get what you want. 
Those lessons we learn or adopt becomes our experience. In actuality our experiences come from what we learn from our mistakes or loses. When you are described as an experience person or fellow; in a simple sentence you have made so many mistakes and you've learnt from it. The point is this" don't dwell on your mistakes, admit it and learn from it. Dwelling on our loses or mistakes prevent us from moving forward or making significant progress. 
The more eager you are to learning the more you keep winning. Follow the advice of a great and renown author John C. Maxwell " winning isn't everything but learning is ". 
God bless you. I hope this piece of work will bless every reader.

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