Monday, 6 July 2015


Something for the guys, a piece of advice...
Hints to put in mind when you meet that dream girl!

1. If you're the wealthy type don't flaunt it. She'll just fall for the money, and you won't get love!

2. Don't give her an ultimatum to do something for you.

3. Be free and simple.

4. Be honest as possible.

5. If you don't get a similar response from her after proclaiming love, don't force it on her.

5. Note that most things take time.

6. Don't ask too many questions, it's one step at a time. Some of us just get so bored with questions from guys. Most questions are like; how many are you in your family, can you cook, what can you cook etc. Those questions come in place with time.

7. Don't start showering us with gifts all so immediately.

8. We girls have our wants too and so don't come putting or pushing your wants on our face!

9. Some of you guys like to act what you are not!
Be you to the core!

10. Love is real, true and takes good time, if you want to get a true love, be humble and learn the other person's want to know how to get her.


  1. Nice one! I think all guyz need to learn and sit up.

  2. Wow.. Jst blew my mind.. More of dat


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