Thursday 21 July 2016


Hello dear,
This is a topic that I will take a great delight on shedding my own ideas and findings.

Firstly, do you wish to get better?
Do you wish to get the best out of you?
Do you wish to live a much more better life than you have been living? 

Well, if you do wish all these things then we are right on the same track.

There is no limit to what we can achieve, we can fight to get better, we can try to improve ourselves, we can try to learn new things that get us better and we can also learn how to curb out bad habits. 

There is no end to knowledge, the only end to knowledge is death.

Our powers and capabilities are limitless.

I personally, I have a great interest on self improvement and it's like a daily routine.

There are steps needed to be on this path called self improvement that you deserve.  

Read them and practice accordingly. 

STEP 1: Read a book everyday.
Books contain a good amount of wisdom in them. Reading them can expose you to more findings about life. It enables you to show appreciation and enrich yourself.
Make it a habit to pick up a good book everyday to read. Examples of a few are Think and grow rich and Rules of self discipline. 

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