Thursday 25 January 2018

A message from Steve Harvey

I hope you enjoyed the message from Steve Harvey!

If you truly want something, work hard towards it and believe with FAITH that you will have it and open your arms to receive it
when it comes.

Never think that you are not worthy of anything good. Love yourself every step of the way...

Send someone this message for you might be lifting up and inspiring someone.

sources: Steve Harvey

Sunday 21 January 2018

What to learn from this story of a dog

Once you have set your mind on something you can achieve it.
Once you constantly think about that your goal and remain positive, you begin to attract what you need to succeed.
On the road to success, everything counts, your disappointments are important; they teach you perseverance.
Be a positive person and relentless towards your goal.
Never lose hope on a cause!

Please share this message with someone today!
#kiaraInspires FB, IG and Twitter

Friday 19 January 2018

Ecclesiastes; wise words from the philosopher.


This is one of 24 books of the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible where it is classified as one of the Ketuvim (or "Writings"). Originally written c. 450-180 BCE, it is among the canonical Wisdom Books in the Old Testament. The title Ecclesiastes  is a Latin transliteration of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Kohelet (meaning "Gatherer", but traditionally translated as "Teacher" or "Preacher").
The book is a musing by a King of Jerusalem as he relates his experiences and draws lessons from them, often self-critical. The author, who introduced himself as the Son of David discussed the meaning of life and the best way to live. He proclaims all the actions of man to be inherently vain as both wise and foolish end in death. 
Kohelet clearly endorses wisdom as a means for a well-lived earthly life. In light of this senselessness, one should enjoy the simple pleasures of daily life, such as eating, drinking, and taking enjoyment in one's work, which are gifts from the hand of God. 

The book concludes with the injunction: "Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone" (12:13)

Ecclesiastes has over time influenced Western Literature.
American novelist Thomas Wolfe wrote: "Of all I have ever seen or learned, that book seems to me the noblest, the wisest, and the most powerful expression of man's life upon this earth—and also the highest flower of poetry, eloquence, and truth. I am not given to dogmatic judgments in the matter of literary creation, but if I had to make one I could say that Ecclesiastes is the greatest single piece of writing I have ever known, and the wisdom expressed in it the most lasting and profound."

So well, here are some excerpts(words of wisdom) from the teacher or philosopher.

"I have also learnt why people work so hard to succeed: it is because they envy their neighbours. But it is useless, it is like chasing the wind." Ecclesiastes 4 vs 4

"The more you worry, the more likely you are to have bad dreams, and the more you talk, the more likely you are to say foolish things." Ecclesiastes 5vs3

"Keep your temper under control; it is foolish to harbour a grudge." Ecclesiastes 7vs9

"Never ask,"Oh, why were things so much better in tthe old days?" It's not an intelligent question. Ecclesiastes 7vs10

"Everyone who lives ought to be wise; it is as good as receiving an inheritance and will give you as much security as money can. Wisdom keeps you safe- this is the advantage of knowledge. " Ecclesiastes 17vs11

"There is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes mistakes." Ecclesiastes 7vs 20

"I found something more bitter than death- woman. The love she offers you will catch you like a trap or like a net; and her arms round you will hold you like a chain. A man who pleases God can get away, but she will catch the sinner." Ecclesiastes 7vs26

"No one can keep himself from dying or put off the day of his death. That is a battle we cannot escape; we cannot cheat our way out." Ecclesiastes 8vs8

"Young people, enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart's desire. But remember that God is going to judge you for whatever you do." Ecclesiastes 11 vs 9

"No matter in which direction a tree falls, it will lie where it fell." Ecc. 11vs 3

"Always look happy and cheerful. "
Ecclesiastes 9 vs

Please don't forget to share after reading.

Depression...Derive your inspiration from it...

Have I forgotten to write words?..
Have I lost the deal I once had?
Have I been long faded ?
Have I been chasing shadows?

Explain, I beg of thee..
Every nights, before I lay, I speak to thee..
Even in the calmness of the night, I'm still lost..
Eternal Lord, listen to a child's plea..

Don't cast me away...
Direct as you have always done
Deliver me from this disease
Depart from me all negatives..

I am ready to bleed this very night..
I remain relentless till ' love and hope flows through these veins..
I ran out of worries the moment I embraced Him
I am comforted in His love...

I want to bleed out these sorrows,
I want to bleed out these seeds of depression,
I want to have a warm heart once again,
I want to have you in me once again.

I am talking to you,
I want you and nothing more,
I want your inspiration,
I want you Lord!

Written by Maureen Onuoha

Authors Note: Turn your frustration to motivation and start living your dreams. When you find yourself in a hopeless situation, just know that isn't the end but a challenge for you to face yourself.

There are dark times which makes us think thoughts that are deathly often. But there is more to it, what you do with these difficult times determine your outcome.

Do not wallow in your agony, allow it to help you reason much better and get yourself together.

And don't forget ; "once there is the will, there is always a way."

Thanks for reading. Please share.

Thursday 18 January 2018


Q: If the dove is the bird of peace, what is the bird of true love?

Monday 31 July 2017


Happy New Month!!

I am so glad to be back here. A lot has been going on but truly writing gives me total calmness. Thanks to my readers and friends who gave me the motivation to get back on my very on feet again and write once again.
It's feels really good to be back!
Happy August!
Great Motivation!
Greater Achievement!

Now back to business dear friends...Let me first share some very good pictures to start the day with. Get them and probably send to your friends & family to brighten up their day.
Quote of the day; "If you do not tell the truth about yourself, you cannot tell it about other people." Anonymous

We definitely have some readers here that are August born, so I am offering you a couple of ideas you need to know about your birth month and this is based just on astrology. Now, if you are one or related to one, just read.
The month of August (July 23- August 21) is dominated by the zodiac sign Leo. the last few days of August have the zodiac sign of Virgo.

A Leo possesses a positive outlook towards life and is very enthusiastic and is full of life. He/she is proud and determined and is also a great achiever who sets examples for others. Leos are genuine friends and are extremely loyal in their relationships.
However, their self-centered nature and the tendency to dominate others are among their major negative traits. They are attention-seekers and can be very demanding at times. However, Leos are born leaders and whether consciously or unconsciously, they like to rule.
They are brave and fearless when it comes to confrontation and are natural leaders. They take pride in themselves and possess an extreme sense of supremacy, just like the Lion itself.

Famous People Born In August
Barrack Obama 4 August 1961
Micheal Jackson 29 August 1958
Tom Brady 3 August 1977
Kylie Jenner 10 August 1977
Cara Delevingne 12 August 1992
Jennifer Lawrence 15 August 1990
Alex Vega 27 August 1977
Anna Kendrick 9 August 1985
Young Thug 16 August 1991
Shawn Mendes 8 August 1998
Viola Davis 11 August 1965
Kobe Bryant 23 August 1978
Ed Gein 27 August 1906
Bill Clinton 19 August 1946
Andy Warhol 6 August 1928
Demi Lovato 20 August 1992
John Tucker 31 August 1971
John Locke 29 August 1632
Fidel Castro 13 August 1926
Neil Amstrong 5 August 1930
Roger Federer 8 August 1981
Halle Berry 15 August 1966
Whitney Houston 9 August 1963
H. P Lovecraft 20 August 1890
Patrick Swayze 18 August 1952
Austin Butler 17 August 1991
Sean Penn 17 August 1960
Lyndon B. Johnson 27 August 1908
Steve Wozniack 11 August 1950
Warren Buffet 30 August 1930
Mother Theresa 26 August 1910

*They are constantly out shining others-
The powerful star, Sun, rules the Month of August and the ruling zodiac of the month is the regal lion, Leo. Like the Sun, individuals born in this month are ruled by the Sun as they derive their life's force and energy from this star. Individuals born under the Leo zodiac sign outshine others with their inner light, dynamic and magnanimous nature. Like the never-fading light of the Sun, they achieve their highest goals, fame and fortune in their life.

The regal Leos have high tastes in art, food, culture and dabble in medicine, research oriented and higher management jobs. They are always looking for opportunities where they can show off their skills and take charge of situations. Like the life-giving rays of the sun, Leo individuals spread, light, love and warmth everywhere they go. They can achieve many milestones only if they can keep their egos in check and tone down their authoritative nature.

*Arrogant but can be humble-
August borns hate to be tamed. Yet, they need to control their creative force as they might end up burning themselves as well as the others. They strong people both physically as well as emotionally, and are self-motivated. They have a strong dominant side as well yet they have an uncanny ability to nurture and care for the people they love. Surprisingly, the seemingly arrogant August borns can teach you a lesson or two in humility.

*Good Leaders-
They make good leaders, thrive in the limelight, and enjoy appreciation. Nevertheless, beware as they are prone to destructive emotional outbursts and their pride can come in the way of progress. If you are working with an August born Leo, it is up to you to work around their powerful energy and get organised. If you manage this feat, they will learn to respect you and think of you as equals. However, Leos are eccentric creatures and can very unpredictable.

*Soft but with  love for a challenge-

The courageous Lion is a softy at heart but will never back out of a challenge. They always face adversities in the face and are diligent. The women born in the month of August are often stunning, have a certain magnetic quality about them that easily attracts others towards them. They are intellectuals and make great moms. However, they can be a very demanding parent, often wanting their children to live their own dreams.

*Fear of darkness but posses an agile mind-
Because August born individuals derive their energies from the Sun, they may fear the dark. They hate uncertainties and fear death. However, they gifted with a strong mind and body. They are accident prone and have weak knees, joint areas and back.

"Never let life impede on your ability to achieve your dreams" Anonymous
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd probably grab ours back" Anonymous
"Truth is like the sun, you can shut out for some time, but it ain't going away." Elvis Presley
"I am going to succeed.. We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we are. " Jim Rohn
" All you need in this world is love and laughter. That's all anybody needs. To have love in one hand and laughter in the other." August Wilson

Author's Note: After this research, I have truly come to learn how interesting the month of August really is. This is a new understanding for me and I am grateful to learn this.
I will like to use this very medium to invite any August born particularly to write down any nice quote or saying in the comment box with his/her real name.
Thanks so much and once again, I wish you all a very graceful and blessed month of August. Go fearless towards your dreams...God bless and write you soon..

Monday 29 May 2017

5-Bedroom Duplex Building For Sale

5-Bedroom Duplex for sale
#Location- Udu, Warri, Delta State.
For more information....mail me @ 

Life_Changing Statements: Every single word counts greatly!

Below are 20 life teaching lessons. I urge you to take just 3 minutes and ponder over them. They  are life-changing statements:

1. Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide.

2. People are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions.

3. When someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones.

4. Take whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath.

5. In this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success. It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge.

6. Challenges make life interesting; overcoming them make life meaningful.

7. There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat.

8. A path without obstacles leads nowhere.

9. Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay.

10. You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.

11. If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, then you haven't done much today.

12. If you don't build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs.

13. If you don't climb the mountain; you can't view the plain.

14. Don't leave it idle - use your brain.

15. You are not paid for having brain, you are only rewarded for using it intelligently.

16. It is not what you don't have that limits you; it is what you have but don't know how to use.

17. What you fail to learn might teach you a lesson.

18. The difference between a corrupt person and an honest person is: The corrupt person has a price while the honest person has a value.

19. If you succeed in cheating someone, don't think that the person is a fool...... Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.

20. Honesty is an expensive gift; don't expect it from cheap people.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Feel The Good Friday; Links to all you need to know...

Saturday 1 April 2017

Last Night; Last Night Was Like A Full Night & I Lived It In These Words

I have always been the lover of nights
I have always cherished these times where my thoughts are in the right
Not in the day times when much of all I do is sweat and sigh
Not in the day times when things are submerged in an  often busy sight

I was created a female
If opportunity crosses my path in the reincarnation, I had still prefer being a female
As often as I may think, my world is perfectly crazy
As funny as  it may seem, my world is bright and so busy that leaves me often dizzy

Being a little girl, growing up was fun
Being that little chap blessed with the brightness of the sun
Played games with the boys
Practised sports with the boys
Yet, mama reminded me often, that I am a girl child
Yet, with the recent turn of events, the pretty thought is wild

I hate to think often just as I shy often away
I will belong to that someone whom I will cherish everyday
Life taught us that love couldn't be bought
Crises then comes and I  wish life offers easily what we sought

I once climbed painstakingly a hill,
At the top, with a victory, I won't forget my will
Now, where is the love for I am a lover
A lover that never wavers
In the storm, I stayed stronger

I yearned for the greater dreams
I had the dreams of great ambitions
And I am constrained till' it being accomplished
Regardless, I am still a human that loves to love

Don't think my toughness is impossible to love
Hurt by love, so broken by love
Yet, I am willing to give in to love
Still in so much love with myself
Despite my silly mistakes

My love can never go missing,
I find it in homes, everywhere and all I come across
It's everywhere even in the least of my expectation
It's even in my darkest hours of depression
It's my will which is mine and still willing to overcome all situation.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Happy Mother's Day


Prize Nwenearizi. 

I always knew you were strong 
I knew you could fight 
I knew you will stand
And above all I knew you would never stand down for me

God bless you mama
God bless your soul
Without your strength I would never be here
Thank you mama for bringing me this far
Thank you for your unquenchable love
Thank you for your time
Love and prosperity shall find you mama
Dead or alive God bless you mama.

Songs of soul 
Prize Nwenearizi.

Happy Mother's Day!!



So in this solitude 
I cannot think far
Nor allow dreams to lay on same bed with me
I knew you loved me when we were free 
When life had not taken much from its kindness 
Then, when I made love to you and you forgot your panties at the ears of our bed
Then I knew you loved me.

Songs of soul
Prize Nwenearizi

       Prize Nwenearizi. 
I thought your words were true
I would never doubted you for it would be unwise to doubt my happiness 
But just then you laid the tyres of my love vehicle flat in the middle of my love journey to you
Going back was suicidal 
And moving forward was life's own death sentence 
Oh I wish your words were true. 
Songs of soul
Prize Nwenearizi.


Am trying to break free from this lonely pains
Hoping someone will love me some day if not today
I was blind
Because I loved you too much
And all I did was to cry in this love
Said sorry thousand times but I was not to blame.

Some one will love me one day if not today
And maybe it will wash my pains away
For I have said sorry many times even when I was right 
And yet you would still put on a fight

Songs of soul 
Prize Nwenearizi.

Poems of love...
Kiara Inspires@


I am dreamer
And your soul is my bed
I am a leaner
And your illiteracy are my school
I have trained my self to love your wrongs and right
To guide your soul when the day has turn to night

I am a dreamer
And your soul is my sleep
I am a fighter
And your weakness is my strength
And tonight if the birds have rested I will walk into your heart and lay my bed in your paradise of thought never to be awaken.

Prize Nwenearizi
Literature is born.

Kiara Inspires...

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