Sunday, 10 April 2016


Agunwa Oluchi wrote:


1. When she stares at your mouth, kiss her.
2. When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy because she thinks she's stronger than you, grab her and don't let go.
3. When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough, kiss her and tell her you love her.
4. When she's quiet, ask her what's wrong.
5. When she ignores you, give her your attention.
6. When she pulls away, pull her back.
7. When you see her at her worst, tell her she's beautiful.
8. When you see her start crying, just hold her and don't say a word.
9. When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.
10. When she's scared, protect her.
11. When she steals your favorite cap, let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.
12. When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.
13. When she doesn't answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.
14. When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up.
15. When she says she loves you, she really does more than  you can understand.
16. When she grabs at your hands, hold her's and play with her fingers.
17. When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.
18. When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
19. Trust her.
20. When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does.
21. When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers.
22. When she shares this post, she wants you to read it.
23. Stay on the phone with her, even if she's not saying anything.
24. When she's mad, hug her tight and don't let go.
25. When she says she's okay, don't believe it. Talk with her because ten years later, she'll remember you.
26. Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her.
27. Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
28. Stay up with her all night when she's sick.
29. Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show, even if you think it's stupid.
30. Give her your world.
31. Let her wear your clothes.
32. When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
33. Let her know she's important.
34. Don't talk about other girls around her.
35. Kiss her in the pouring rain.

YEAH! I know such guys are hard to
find... But one may just be in this forum with you.


Sometime ago, while my elder sister was driving, her tyre suddenly deflated, and she had no spare one with her, she then pulled-over and was thinking of what to do. Many vehicles passed without offering to help, even though her hazard light was beaming, then came a young man, who pulled-over too and gave her his own spare tyre. Not only that he offered his spare tyre, he changed the tyre by himself.

This young man did not know my sister before, he only understood how gentlemanly and nice it is to help a woman who is in stress.

After fixing my sister's car, he took her phone number and the next morning, he personally traced her residence to retrieve his tyre. He didn't wait for her to return it by herself. He came by himself.

After a little while, he invited my sister and her entire family to his wedding ceremony, and there, my sister praised his wife for marrying the best man who could understand when a woman is in stress.

The questions are:
How do you treat women on your way?
Can you stop to help, just like the gentleman in the above scenario did?
Or, would you help and seek to be repaid in kind? What kind of man are you to a woman?

And as a woman, do you ignore people when they wanna help you?
Do you always have the negative thought that he's offering to help because he needs something from you? No! You don't have to, because every man cannot be the same. There are still good people around.

I was driving the other day, and I saw two ladies who were trying to cross the road, but couldn't because no motorist could slow down for them to cross and there was no nearby pedestrian bridge to use. I slowed down and signaled the other motorists to do same, and behold the driver behind me overtook me immediately and berated me for slowing down for women. He called me one funny name I wouldn't wanna mention here. But, thank God for making others understand and wait for the ladies to cross.

See, you don't have to be gentle to your wife or girlfriend alone. You should exhibit that real-manliness to every woman on your way. You must epitomize love and care, and show it to everyone.

From the manner at which you treat some women on your way, then the way you treat your wife or girlfriend could be rated.

Similarly, sometime ago, as I was driving along Mabushi expressway in Abuja, I saw an elderly man who pulled-over to offer a gallon of water to a woman who's car engine was overheating. I watched him through my side mirror as he hopped-in immediately and zoomed off. Apparently he did not even know that woman from Adam, but was only being a 'real' man.

Maybe, we will learn one or two things from this.

Charles Dennis, Esq.


Eby Amanda Pius-Urum writes:

"Dear potential hubby, 
On our wedding day. I will gladly and proudly wear the wedding gown that will be made by me. I will glow like the morning sun and I will watch you smile from ear to ear while we walk down the aisle.

Before then, our wedding guests will just be 28 plus me and you, that's 30. You have 14 slot while I have 14 too. I want to remind you that there will be no community wedding. For the fear of plastic coolers is the beginning of comfort."

Eby Amanda.


Therefore, every prospective marriage partners must cut their clothes according to their sizes.

Don't force your man to spend more than he budgeted. Do not emulate the classy wedding ceremonies you see on your TV screen, or, from the politicians and celebrities. Encourage him by planning with him with the little he has. Your wedding reception must not be in Sheraton hotels or Transcorp Hilton hotels. You can organize a beautiful and wonderful wedding ceremony with just a little resources.

Sometimes you realize that most men who married their wives when it was hard, respect their wives most. Though some are so carried away that they later forget the hard days.

A man I met two weeks ago told me that three years ago, he organized his marriage ceremony with only N180,000 in his bank account. But today, he can boast of 2 residential buildings in this city of Abuja, 3 cars and some other money yielding investments.
He told me how his wife managed the N180,000 for the wedding, because he actually explained everything to her and she understood, because of the LIGHT she saw in him.

Now, how many women want to marry such man; a half-made man; a yet-to-be-blossomed man?

How many can see Light in their men? How many can see future?
How many will believe in their men, even at this odd time?

Have you been waiting for the President's son to come seek your hands in marriage?
Are you on a high horse and can't come down?
Have you lost your real husband due to your wishes and desires for a perfect and an already made man?

It is more honourable to joyfully and peaceful enjoy the golds you mined with your man, than to apprehensively sit on the one already beautified before your emergence. Sometimes, you don't have the right or convenience to talk, because, you didn't contribute anything.
However, only a foolish man will treat his wife disdainfully just because he already made the money before she came.

Love your partner because of the future you have foreseen in him, not just for what you see now.
Be committed because you love him. Give the fullness of the required time, because you so much believe in him.

Both of you should join hands to make reality out of the little you have.

Yes, no-one will have sugar in his or her mouth and spit it out, unless he/she is diabetic. But you shouldn't abandon the one in your life because of the little he has now. You must foresee and discern his future, then take a good stand.

Charles Dennis, Esq.


My friend is a medical doctor and works with National Hospital, Abuja. He's in love with a waitress in Obitex wine shop on my street. He sought my advice on whether a highly educated man like him can stoop so low to marry a woman who's barely educated; a woman who merely serve drinks in a street bar.

He told me how he loves her and can kill for her.
He said that no woman has found a place in his heart like her. And that she's the best he can choose.

I'm also a witness to this girl's humility and homeliness. I could remember one day, when her madam confessed that she will miss her diligence in her duties, if she someday leaves for another place.

I asked my friend why he had to choose her, "but for her diligence in her duties, I am enchanted, Charles" "This girl smiles, even when it is obvious she's tired ", he also replied.

He has proposed marriage to her, but the lady is still confused, because in some of her questions, she asked: "Doctor, what did you really see in me?" "Why not look for a woman of your level?" Why did you choose an illiterate like me?"

Oh, my God!

May I reveal that my friend will be introducing himself to the girl's family by next month.

Oh, gush! What love could do? And he told me that he has planned to train her to any level of education she wishes.

Oh, have you reasoned this and realize that a times love has a different gift for you?
Are you so educated and have been thinking of marrying an educated person too?
Are you from a rich home and have also desired to settled down with a person from a very affluent background?

Sometimes in life we anticipate a particular lifestyle; we want our lives to replicate that of the mightiest. Sometimes we wanna dance and dine with the most influential in the society, but unknown to us that life begets the contrary for us. Perhaps, the best for our souls and living; a partner you will forever feel at rest with.

I have seen where a PhD holder married a school dropout, and later brought her to limelight.
I have seen a king marry his house-help. Just because of her humility.
I have seen the rich marry, dine and wine with the poor.
I have seen a princess condescend to marry a local boy. This is not a fairytale. It's a reality. It can happen to anybody.

What about you?
Love is unfathomable.
Love sees from afar, and can see from the eyes of the rich or educated to those of the poor or illiterate.

What matters most is the love and compatibility.
What matters most is what both of you feel for each other, not your educational status, not even your financial or societal levels.
What matters are the qualities you see in the person.

Friends, do you have a woman or man who has taken your breath away?
Do you feel love for that lady or man who is not even educated; who is not even your level in everything; who's just a street girl?
Could you see beauty and humility in the eyes of that lady on the subway of your street? Have you fallen in love with that waitress in a local bar?
Why not go for her or him?
Why not pitch your tent where it would be most comfortable for you?
Why not reciprocate the love of the one who loves you more, and leave that which seems too hard to reach?

Love does not remember or consider one's societal status when it dominates the heart of a man.
A times love makes its custodians look foolish, though they are very wise.

Sometimes love has to see clearly; love has to choose the one most available for it; love has to marry a pauper, not crazily the most handsome or the most beautiful, or, the richest.

I have reasoned this and realize that a times we force ourselves the beauties that never needed us.

Beauty, they say, lies in the eyes of the beholder.
The woman I found beautiful, may remain ugly to you forever, but it doesn't matter, so far I really love her from the depth of my heart.

I have advised my friend to follow his heart. I told him to stick to his feelings.
Love is the best and sweetest feelings to behold.
Love is the hardest addiction to quit.
Love is a feeling you can't reject or hide.

Just go for your heart, and you would be fine.

The question is:
Do you need an understanding and understandable half-educated lifetime partner, who loves and cares, or, a very educated rich one who does not care whether you lives?

Remember, that the choice of a lifetime partner is the most critical choice everybody must make.

Look inside the heart, not the beauties of the body.

Written by Charles Dennis, Esq.


You May Learn From This.

By Edith Ijeoma Fredrick.

This story was shared by the Ex-Indian President Dr. Abdul Kalam. He said: "When I was a kid, my mom cooked food for us. One night in particular when she had made dinner after a long hard day's work, Mom placed a plate of 'subzi' and extremely burn roti in front of my Dad. I was waiting to see if anyone noticed the burnt roti. But dad just ate his roti asked me how was my day at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember mom apologizing to Dad for the burnt roti. And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burnt roti."

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy, good night and I asked him if he really liked his roti burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said:  “Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she was really tired. And besides? A burnt roti never hurts anyone but HARSH WORDS DO...!" 

Words are powerful. They have the power to heal or wound. Words have the power to build or destroy. Words can bring hope and words can bring defeat. So, think about the words that you will utter in the course of the week. Are they words that will empower others or are they words that will discourage and de-motivate people?

Before you speak: THINK
T: is it TRUE?
H: is it HELPFUL?
K: is it KIND?


Alex N. Opel wrote:

"Women are the most dangerous weapons l have ever seen in the world! Men be secured them to enable you leave Long on this earth."

No. Women are companions. They're their men's pride and joy, therefore, not "dangerous people". But if you do not manage them well from the onset, they will turn out amiss to you.

A week ago, I was in Diamond Bank for a TSA transaction, and I heard two other bank customers arguing on the nature of women. I heard one of them say: " women are terrible creatures " O my God! I waded-in immediately and corrected that ugly impression. I told them that only 'real' men understands the nature of women. And if they do, then they treat them accordingly.

You don't have to call women"dangerous " or, "terrible" creatures. Never!
You must realize that they're just living-out their nature, thus, the hugest burden is on you to always control emotions and impulse and understand them. And when you do, then peace is assured.

A man who treats his woman disdainfully, has unknowingly denied himself her God-given wonderful potentials.

If you understand the concept of human existence, you can't hold the view that women are "the most dangerous weapons" to live with. Rather, you would appreciate their companionship. You would realize that the world would've been a boring place if they're not with us.

I'm not just an advocate for women's rights, but for gender equality and coexistence.

I have held this position since my existence, that any man who abuses women physically, emotionally or sexually, is a coward. And it is immaterial the gravity of the provocation done on the person.

I have realized that women are companions, and are merely living-out their nature, which a real man must understand. Hence, they are not terrible or dangerous creatures, and must not be abused or tagged so.

The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), made some important applicable recommendations. And I and my learned friend, Barr. S.C. Uchendu were opportune to participate in the review of application of its recommendations by the Nigerian government, in 2014.

Though some women are impulsive and stubborn, if you treat your woman very well, then, you would surely enjoy her sweetness. Unless you never found one who loves you.

I just think that the above misconceptions should be corrected.

Written by Charles Dennis, Esq.

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