Sunday 10 April 2016


Sometime ago, while my elder sister was driving, her tyre suddenly deflated, and she had no spare one with her, she then pulled-over and was thinking of what to do. Many vehicles passed without offering to help, even though her hazard light was beaming, then came a young man, who pulled-over too and gave her his own spare tyre. Not only that he offered his spare tyre, he changed the tyre by himself.

This young man did not know my sister before, he only understood how gentlemanly and nice it is to help a woman who is in stress.

After fixing my sister's car, he took her phone number and the next morning, he personally traced her residence to retrieve his tyre. He didn't wait for her to return it by herself. He came by himself.

After a little while, he invited my sister and her entire family to his wedding ceremony, and there, my sister praised his wife for marrying the best man who could understand when a woman is in stress.

The questions are:
How do you treat women on your way?
Can you stop to help, just like the gentleman in the above scenario did?
Or, would you help and seek to be repaid in kind? What kind of man are you to a woman?

And as a woman, do you ignore people when they wanna help you?
Do you always have the negative thought that he's offering to help because he needs something from you? No! You don't have to, because every man cannot be the same. There are still good people around.

I was driving the other day, and I saw two ladies who were trying to cross the road, but couldn't because no motorist could slow down for them to cross and there was no nearby pedestrian bridge to use. I slowed down and signaled the other motorists to do same, and behold the driver behind me overtook me immediately and berated me for slowing down for women. He called me one funny name I wouldn't wanna mention here. But, thank God for making others understand and wait for the ladies to cross.

See, you don't have to be gentle to your wife or girlfriend alone. You should exhibit that real-manliness to every woman on your way. You must epitomize love and care, and show it to everyone.

From the manner at which you treat some women on your way, then the way you treat your wife or girlfriend could be rated.

Similarly, sometime ago, as I was driving along Mabushi expressway in Abuja, I saw an elderly man who pulled-over to offer a gallon of water to a woman who's car engine was overheating. I watched him through my side mirror as he hopped-in immediately and zoomed off. Apparently he did not even know that woman from Adam, but was only being a 'real' man.

Maybe, we will learn one or two things from this.

Charles Dennis, Esq.

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