Friday 21 August 2015

What to check while leaping on to a dating site?

No wonder in your phone too you get a number of links regarding the various dating sites for free and there are indeed some of us who in dire state of desolation go to check on to these sites to have some sort of fun. But as we all know, in this ever increasing world of cyber crime, one must take ample care before logging on to any site. Does that mean that you are being banned from logging on to any dating sites? Of course not.  But then, there are certain things that you must take care of before you are going to register in to any of these sites.
What are the dangers that you can face if you move in to the wrong sort of online dating site?

·         Monetary exploitation- you may be informed in a site that in order to register you will have to invest some money so that you can get steady flow of notifications. The truth might be far from it. May be you give your account details and the money is take from you and thereafter you may find that the site was actually fake. So when you are given such assurance stop and check before you take your first move.
·         Number of fake profiles- Even when you get the notifications you may be fooled with the help of fake profiles. You may be chatting with a person for months, never knowing that the profile is fake and the person behind the profile may be the opposite of what you expect.
·         You may get virus in your device- Some of these sites suggest you to download the app or any such software, and when you do it, viruses are transferred to your device without your knowledge.
How can we stop such problems?
There are a number of solutions in which you can check the dating sites before making a move.
·         See to it in the beginning that the site has a perfect authorization. Any site with no reliable authorization can be termed as fake or manipulative. You can even call at the contact numbers given in the dating website to check whether they have a valid government registration number or not. If they have it, then of course you can proceed. Checking for this can save you from any sort of monetary exploitation while dating online.
·          Secondly, whenever you see clicking on a link is redirecting you to a download process, then you should stop right away as this will cause unexpected results. Check if the other link is irrelevant and if it is leave the site in order to prevent any viruses from attacking your device.

·         When you are chatting with someone, do not go to meet a person based on a conversation of few days. It may be trap for you. Such fraud cases are not at all rare and it is best to call and check first whether the profile is a real or a fake one. Now you can go for happy dating

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