Thursday 17 November 2016


Every religion protects women. Protecting women should just be a religion. And when it's a religion, there's no doubt you'll respect it and protect every woman around you.

Your woman is your companion; your soulmate. She's half of you, and any moment you pierce her heart with abuses, there's no doubt you do same to yourself.

Know it today, that a man who puts smiles in the face of his woman, always do same to himself. But a man who resorts in treating his woman so disdainfully, has, in turn, denied himself her God-given treasures and potentials. For, a woman who's embittered in the heart, can never offer the sweetness she's made of.

A happy wife, no doubt, guarantees a happy home. Because, in reality, women are the souls and controllers of the family. You don't need to neglect this and still hope for peace in your home. Only real men know this. But a man who's just 'manly' will argue this.                                                                                 

Written By Barr. Charles Dennis

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