Saturday 12 September 2015

My Mystery Moment; No Man Knows Tomorrow


No man knows tomorrow,  it is but a mystery. A mystery which mere mortals are not
Privy to. It's something to hope for, an ideal to strive towards, ever so close but like the wind it slips from grasp, fading further into the distance.

A figment of the imagination it sometimes seems, dangling and taunting ceaselessly, catch me if you dare, it whispers softly. Only but a few can decipher it's cryptic messages, blessed are those who are prepared when opportunity knocks, for only the enlightened can safely navigate it's intricately woven mazes.

Those who are ill- equipped for the rigors and unforgiving  demands of life's battlefield soon find themselves lost in the sea of nothingness,  trapped in a void of stagnation,  lost without even realizing.

Like the alternate plane on the other side of a mirror,  a mirage that feels unattainable.

But with the same confidence with which we breathe, so also do we hope, believing in the realism of that which is not yet manifested. An indisputable truth etched into our deepest reach of our consciousness, a proof of our existence.

No man knows tomorrow, it is but a mystery. Hence, we strive and dream, strive and believe, working ceaselessly,  unrelenting in our pursuits, indefatigable warriors. Holding on to hope and belief.

Stumble and fall though we may, but from the ashes we surely rise. Down and out, weary and bruised, battered and tossed far from our journey's path, but still we strive, clinging tightly to the dazzling light of hope that is tomorrow.

No man knows tomorrow,  it is but a mystery. A mystery long and hard to unravel. All we can do is ensure that our today gives our tomorrow an opportunity to blossom, blossom into something truly remarkable,  comparable to none, akin only to fantasy. Ethereal even, befitting of the divine.

A place of halcyon, where dreams are carefully woven into reality and fantasy made true, where wishes are horses and beggers do truly ride, where passion illuminates our paths and opportunities when harnessed open up access to worlds yet unknown.

And from it belly flows rivers of milk and honey, lush greens and seas of abundance which though at present seems utterly ludicrous, slowly but surely it manifests, as assuredly as the breaking of the dawn.

                                                                                                                Akhigbemen Emmanuel


  1. We all seek a better tomorrow, we must strive hard for our wishes to become reality. There is a saying that says " yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift" we must make judicious use of the opportunities that come our way to get to the place of halcyon.

  2. I am so glad I could find this piece. Arigato Kiara


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