Sunday, 17 January 2016


Its very easy to think along the plain that the children of poor parents get poor or sometimes poorer owing to the fact that they have nothing to inherit order than old iron/wooden bed, moulded house most times single room. Old and outdated stereo.

Well, careful study have made me reasoned outside the plain the possible causes of poverty aside those imposed on us by our selfish leaders. I have come to terms with fact that the mentality of poor people is simply the reason why they are poor.

If you hear some nonsense coming out from the mouth of some people, you will agree with me that they can't grow or manage big things.
Do you know that your philosophy, belief and attitude to life is the main determinant of your financial status? Clear example is

1) someone believing that having plenty children he can't take care of is the secret key to wealth, because they often believe that the senior will en slave his/her life for others to succeed.

2) some poor parents donot believe in child spacing, they often believe that its wiser to have all the kids they want as soon as possible as if its a competition to bear kids. Then after which they start training them. Contrary, a wise man will ponder on having a kid now, space the next one, to allow him and his wife save enough to take care of the first one before having the second one.

3) Poor people often rely on help from their fellow men, forgetting that everybody has his/her own cross. They often believe that God will use one messiah to elevate them, because of this singular fact, they fail to start small.
One thing is real, once you are diligent with the small, you shall be able to manage a bigger biz.

4) some poor people are scared to fail. They often fear failing to the extent that they remain failures.

The fact is, if you are scared of failing it simply means that you are scared of succeeding.

Learn to plan, failing to plan simply means planning to fail. Plan the number of kids you want to have in relation to your basic income. Don't exceed your plan. Don't be cadjored into living another man's life.

Be blessed my people.

1 comment:

  1. A gud one bt give me d space to criticize a bit. In my opinion,some1 who becomes wealthy ltr in life might actually be involved in d afore mentioned factors responsible for undesirable financial status. How does one explain d sudden fall of a wealthy person who might in fact never rise again. Does it mean dt d person has started having children without adequate family planning. Yes, d factors mentioned r affects one's financial status.... bt dere is something more... *hiden.


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