Thursday 29 October 2015



Marriage is the togetherness of man and woman as husband and wife. It is the union of two lovers of OPPOSITE sex who have agreed to live as one forever, to the exclusion of all others.

It is an institution where everybody is a student; and studies and learns till death separates them. It is a place of oneness and sweetness, for it is a glorious and a heavenly sanctioned engagement.

Marriage is also the realisation of everyone's dream. It is also the fulfilment and redemption of societal demand. It is the pinnacle of every premarital relationship.
In marriage, however, the parties are bound to expect or experience both times of agreement and disagreement as a guise to its beauties. 

Therefore, not unusual to see lovers (the married) quarrel. Such are the vicissitudes and beauties of marriage.
One may have been confronted with certain hurtful and acrimonious incidents that puts fears of being married in him or her. Perhaps, the way your father treated or treats your mother. Or vice versa. You may have witnessed or heard how your sibling, uncle, aunty or friend has been cruelly and wickedly treated by his or her spouse, and now you're
scared of being married. Worry no
more, because marriage is the sweetest engagement to behold. It is a place to be.

Some two years ago, a lady confided in me that she has not been serious in her premarital relationships and would be ready to walk away from any man who discusses marriage to her, due to what her mother and elder sister experiences in their marriages. But after talking to her, she realised her misconceptions. She applied my advice and married early this year.

You don't have to be scared about marriage.
You don't have to turn down his proposals due to what you were told or what you see the already married people experience.

You don't have to remain a spinster or a bachelor because they said married men changes their character once they're married and cheats their wives. Or, that married women nags a lot and keeps their husbands miserable sometimes.

You must know that what happened to party A's marriage must not manifest in party B's own. Such defects and ills does not manifest in every marriage.
Not every husband cheats on his wife or treats his wife badly. Not every wife nags and disrespects her husband. That's why you have been advised for umpteen times to choose your lifetime partner carefully. Because when you do, then most worries would've  been avoided.

As an unmarried man or woman who is into a premarital relationship, if your fiance or fiancée treats you abnormally now, then, there's 50% tendency that he or she will repeat it in marriage, even more. But if his or her reactions or attitudes towards certain things are forgivable and endurable, then keep on with the person, because no-one is perfect - not even you.

Marriages have their peculiar attributes, therefore, yours could be the best. That is why you have been advised to put what you learned from other marriages into practice. You should sieve all you have learnt. Apply the positives and throw away the negatives. A man who treats his wife badly has denied himself her God's-given qualities.

A woman who treats her husband disrespectfully has also denied herself the pleasure of having a loving husband. A man who found a wife has found a sweet life, but he must ignite and often fine-tune it. A woman who found a husband has found a new loving father, but must do her own lot to sustain it and enjoy him.

No marriage is perfect. No marriage is devoid of peculiar ills. But the extent of these ills, as well as the manner of approaching or resolving it and the gravity of it, puts the parties on a scale.
Do not believe them whenever they tell you that marriage is another "hellfire".
Disassociate yourself from such people. Don't let yourself to be discouraged. Do not let the stories of their ugly marital experiences affect your psyche. Don't allow them kill your joy of getting married someday.
Do not let them bewitch your heart or spoil your marriage.
They may have told you stories of how their husbands batters them, or, how their wives nags, or, how he or she has been abandoned by his or her spouse, please rebuke such spirit and perception from affecting your decisions and concentration.

Believe in yourself and in your ability to contract an everlasting sweet marriage.
Believe that you can live in harmony with your spouse. Believe that nothing can reduce or sour your love for each other forever.
Believe, believe and do not be scared, worried or discouraged.

Marriage is the sweetest engagement to behold, and when/if you agree, it will work for you better, even to the envy of others.
Just prove them wrong by contracting an enviable marriage.

To every prospective lifetime partner who has attained the age of marriage.
And to you who's already married.
May our marriages be lovely and peaceful, Amen!

Written By Charles C. Dennis

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