Wednesday 14 October 2015



"You will be remembered for the problems you solved or the problems you have created." Mike Murdock. The Wright brothers were remembered for what they did. Henry Ford is remembered for the problems he solved, he designed an automobile factory. The question is what will you be remembered for? What drives your life? What problems are you willing to solve? Please ponder on these questions. Life or the purpose of your living is more than having the latest cars, accumulating so much wealth, fame or marriage. These are just the normal things people do have or acquire. Begin to look out for ways to impact your community. Begin to look around and see how you can give hope to those who are battered with the challenges of life. " Lord before I leave planet earth, help me to change and make it better". Finally, you'll be remembered for the problems you solved or the problems you've created.

                                                 Written By Oladoyin Olalakon

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