Monday 12 October 2015



Wishful thinkers don't act. Wishful thinkers don't get anything done. It is so easy to wish but  difficult to act. It is difficult because you would need to break out from wrong thinking patterns. You would have to come out from your comfort zone and begin to leverage on your strength. To leverage on your strength, you would need to come out from your comfort zone. You can't afford to remain there. It is an easy wish but difficult to begin to act. The fact that it is difficult means it is possible to start acting. Again, wishful thinkers never act. Begin to leverage on your strength, with that,  you don't become a wishful thinker. Those who changed the world and made remarkable impact never wished it to be so. They conceived an idea and incubated on it, and it turns out to help people around. Henry Ford conceived the idea of making an automobile car, he did just that. He didn't just conceive the idea of making an automobile, he did it in such a way that not only the rich could afford his car but also the poor. Watch out for part 2 of "don't wish begin to act". 
God bless you and see you at the top!
                                                      Written by Oladoyin Olalekan


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