Saturday 24 October 2015



Humans are to a large extent selfish. Humans are most times concerned alone about themselves. I define selfishness as being concerned with oneself to the detriment of others. When you are selfish it has negative effects on others. Carefully look and observe your life, you would notice or find the seed of selfishness quietly growing. To breakout from selfishness is to be genuinely interested in others; is to be truly interested in people. Not because you want something in return but to bring out the best in them. Looking critical at the situation of our country, Nigeria, you would notice or observe that our leaders aren't genuinely interested in the people. That is why they can't offer or give out their best. As a country, as a people and as an individual we are all caught up with this selfishness.  Finally, follow the advice of Theodore Roosevelt,"people don't care how much you know until they  know how much you care." God bless you and see you at the top! 
Watch out for Part 2

Written by Oladoyin Olalakon

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