Thursday 29 October 2015



You will know the state of your heart with regards to Envy from the first thing that comes to your mind or what you utter when something good happens to your friend or neighbour.
For example.

You see:
A. someone studying for a PhD and you say, "its still 6ft under everybod you will still go, even Professors?
B. someone getting married and you say, "who knows if they will last especially with the cases of divorce we hear of everyday"
C. someone matriculating to enter the University, and you say "its not everyone that matriculates that graduates".
D. someone struggling to erect a structure or who God blessed with a car and you say "its not to start but to finish" or "we came into this world with nakedness and with nakedness we go back". Etc.

See, these people know all this but have chosen not to fold their hands and let time pass. They have chosen to live an impactful life while on earth and leave a mark for which they will be remembered. 

Even scriptures enjoins us to 'occupy till He comes' . We can achieve great feats but still remember to keep God at the center of our lives.

Envy is evil and destructive. It starts from the mind. Don't be negative. Try your best to always be happy for people. Try to wish people well, both in speech and in actions. 

Words are seeds. If you can, pray for them. Just love them. God commands us to. The good you sow into people's lives comes back to you in one way or the other.
Have a fruitful day Friends.

Written By Sharon Eboagwu Azubuike

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