Friday 6 November 2015



There are no secret recipe to become a successful person. Some  conventional habits and characteractics that seperate the winner from the loser. Successful people exhibits the habit that enables them to achieve maximaum success. Unsuccessful people don't learn to work or improve on their habit. We are all products of our own habit.

Here are  the major differences in habits between the successful and unsuccessful people.

 1. Embrace change vs. Fear change: Successful people embrace change rather than fear it. Successful people are always ready to move in tune with the change of things. They are ever ready to make a step of change with the ever accelerating technology. They adapt to changes.

2. Want others to succeed vs. Secretly hope others to fail: When in an organization, successful people want the success of every member involved. They know that's the only way to make the organization more successful.

3. Give the people all the credits for their victories vs. Take all the credit from others: Successful people always give credits to the people worth it. Giving them the credit they deserve will only motivate them to perform better.

4. Accept responsibility for your failures vs. Blame others for your failures: Successful people always accept their mistakes and failures. They learn from it. They don't blame anybody. Blaming someone else will only bring the person down and hurt his/her feelings.

5. Read everyday vs. Watch TV everyday: Successful people always learn everyday by reading either a blog, a good book , newspaper or magazine. They are ever ready to improve themselves by just reading  to know more.

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