Thursday 26 November 2015


So, when they were filled, He said to His disciples, "gather all the fragments tha tremains so that nothing is lost." Therefore they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten. John 6: 12-13NKJV

Fragments are left overs, those seemingly insignificant detached portions. And they are all around us.

However, I speak here not of food, even though that has it's place, but I speak of the FRAGMENTS OF OUR TIME, MONEY AND TALENT.

Leftovers of our time could not gathered and harnessed to our own advantage. For instance, time spent waiting on the queues or while waiting for someone could be maximized.

You could read a book, listen to a teaching or engage someone in a meaningful discussion e.t.c.

Every waiting time can be harnessed into a learning time.

Similarly, there are loose fragments of money that get to us ocassionally. These can be gathered up and donated to some form of charity. You would be surprised how much has passed through your hands in the form of "Loose change."

As regard talents, we are all talented. And in more than one way they are abilities we possess that many of us have treated as ordinary.

They seem insignificant and hence we consider them as minor. These also are fragments which can and also should be harnessed.

Now, this is the most interesting part and I call it The Law of the Fragments.  "You never know the worth of the fragments until you gather them."

When the disciples gathered the fragments, they discovered 12 baskets full.

Never underestimate the fragments! 

By Dr. Osahon Otaigbe

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