Saturday 26 September 2015


                                              FEATURES OF LOVE

  • If you truly love someone, his or her mistakes  never discourages you, because it is the mind that gets angry, the heart still loves and cares, though.

  • love does not make reckless statements, even if not appreciated by the recipient of his goodwill. It does not lament nor wait to be does good because love is kind.

  • love does not retain feud for a longer time. Love forgives in secret without waiting for apologies. It does not be at odds.

  • Love leads reconciliation bid, even as a victim of the wrong. It compromises and does this for the sake of the love, and to protect and sustain his or her relationship.

  • Love overshadows and eschews all ills and resentments, with the bid to sustain its status. Love does not stand akimbo and watch  his/her relationship crumble.

  • Love does not think of walking away. It reconciles before it gets out of hand, because from the outset, it desires to live and love forever.

  • Love takes the blame without regrets to prove its reality and real substance.

  • Love willl avoid anything that will make the other party angry. It tip-toes to avoid noise making or creating doubts.

  • Love rekindles and renew a dying relationship. It sparks life into the parties feelings again and leaves them with its sweetness; waxing younger, sweeter and stronger day-by-day.

  • Love appreciates the gestures of the other partner, and spurs the heart for more. It wets the heart of the other, yearning for more opportunities to do more gestures.

  • If your partner is mature enough to play the game of love, then he/she must also be mature enough not to let his/her friends bring distarction between both of you. Love does not listen to gossip or heresays. It forgives, even after finding the truth.

  • Love creates commitment and overshadows side-talks.

  • Love does not wither in the wake of burdens. So, your partner busy schedules should not make him or her change.

  • Love does not grumble whenever it is anything that concerns its partner. he/she feels so happy doing it for love. At worst he/she explains more.

  • Love reshapes the odd lifestyle of the partner and makes them think of future and behave better.

  • Love reproduces love. It gives birth to futre love and lovers. It teaches the offspring the ways to love.

  • Love sweetens the heart of its custodians. It elongates the life of the lovers.

  • Love dominates the hearts of its beares, with more thoughts and feelings of oneness.

  • Love thinks and plans about the pinnacle of its existence: a thought of living together forever.

  • Love is life and love of life. It makes the custodians feel alive.

  • I wonder what life would've been without love...some hearts would've been choked, dried and dead.

                                                                                                                                  Charles C. Dennis


  1. I is the mother of all virtue.

  2. Quite true....But I think those definitions shouldn't be restricted to partners. Every1 actually loves.

  3. We at ....#chooworks#...Networks agree to d above definitions...just to say also dat "God is love, and he who does not love does not know God"...HBD nuellz....


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