Sunday 6 September 2015

"Never violate her conscience or betray her God."

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis will spend Labor Day weekend in isolation at the Carter County Detention Center with her Bible and her clear conscience.

The Rowan County Clerk’s office issued the licenses to same-sex couples on Friday under threat of jail time or fines if they didn’t comply with a federal judge’s order. While the licenses were freely given, the drama surrounding the clerk does not appear to be ending anytime soon. Davis met with her attorneys in jail Friday and told them she would “never violate her conscience or betray her God.”

According to the U.S. District Judge David Bunning, she won't be released unless she obeys his order. Her attorney said that the only way she could relent is for them to change the laws. They were claims that the license jssued was invalid.

The state legislature will not meet again until January. Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear has refused to call a special session, arguing that it would waste tax payer money to bring the legislature back on an issue that so far onlt affects one elected official. That means that Davis that Davis could spend time in jail for months until the state legislature has a chance to change the law next year.

Davis' supporters planned a "Free Kim Davis" rally in front of the jail on Saturday and Replubican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said he planned to meet with Davis on Tuesday.

Her husband, Joe, said his wife will stay in jail how "ever how long it takes." He noted that she has held a Bible study at the Rowan County Detention Center every Monday night for the past few years.

"She's not going to resign, she's not going to sacrifice her conscience,  so she's doing what Martin Luther King Jr. wrote about in his letter from the Birmingham jail, which is to pay the consequences for her decision," said Mat Staver, one of Davis' attorney and also a founder of the Florida-based legal group Liberty Counsel.

Davis' attorneys said the licenses issued Friday are not "worth the paper they are written on" because Davis did not authorise them. But attorneys for the gay couples who sued her along with the elevted Rowan County attorney said the licenses were valid. The U.S. District Judge David Bunning said the he isn't aware if they were valid but had them issued.

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