Tuesday 8 September 2015



Franklin Roosevelt said" the only limit to the realisation of tomorrow is the doubts of today."  Never allow anything to limit you from achieving your dreams or goals.

Your limitations aren't strong enough to limit you. Think about what you don't have. Think about what you've been deprived of. They are not strong enough to shift your focus and make you worry.

When you find yourself thinking about what you don't have. When you find yourself worrying over nothing, there's something inside of you. Nobody lacks anything completely. There's something inside. All you need to do is to search through and you will indeed realize that there's something inside of you.

 You have all it takes to be happy at all times while in the cause of pursing your dreams and goal. Let's begin to set our minds on the possibility and not impossibility.  To paraphrase what Einstein said" if you want to be happy tie it to a goal."

 God bless you

1 comment:

  1. Very correct....we need to believe in ourselves and have faith that our future is bright.


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