Sunday 6 September 2015



Who you spend your time with will have a great impact on what kind of life you live.
There are people God has already ordained to come across our path, to help us fulfill our destiny.
People that inspire us, challenge us, make us better.
The right people have already been lined up. But here’s the key.
If you’re spending time with the wrong people you’ll never meet the right ones.
If you’re hanging around people that are not going any place, people that are dragging you down, causing you to compromise, draining your energy, then you’re going to get stuck.

You can’t hangout with chickens and expect to soar with eagles.
You’re going to become like the people you continually associate with.
You want to know what you’re going to be like in 5 years? Look at your friends.
If your friends are going places, have a spirit of excellence, kind, generous, courteous, then those qualities are going to rub off on you. But just because somebody is related to you doesn’t mean they are connected to you.
They may have your blood but they don’t have your spirit.
They may not have heard the call God put on your life.
This doesn’t make them a bad person; it just means God has a different assignment for them.
Maybe they are at a different level in their growth but they’re not right for you for this season.

This is one of the hardest things we have to deal with, letting go of people that are not supposed to be in our lives. Bottom line; don’t hold on to what God is asking you to walk away from.

Another thought, you shouldn’t spend a lot of time with people that are always negative, people that are constantly discouraged; you gotta keep them cheered up, keep them fixed.
I’m all for helping people; I’m all for being a blessing sometimes we have to love people back into wholeness.
But if you’re always giving and never receiving that’s an unhealthy relationship. You need to gradually make a change. BWho you spend your time with will have a great impact on what kind of life you live.

There are people God has already ordained to come across our path, to help us fulfill our destiny.
People that inspire us, challenge us, make us better.
The right people have already been lined up. But here’s the key.

If you’re spending time with the wrong people you’ll never meet the right ones.
If you’re hanging around people that are not going any place, people that are dragging you down, causing you to compromise, draining your energy, then you’re going to get stuck.

You can’t hangout with chickens and expect to soar with eagles.
You’re going to become like the people you continually associate with.
You want to know what you’re going to be like in 5 years? Look at your friends.
If your friends are going places, have a spirit of excellence, kind, generous, courteous, then those qualities are going to rub off on you. But just because somebody is related to you doesn’t mean they are connected to you.
They may have your blood but they don’t have your spirit.
They may not have heard the call God put on your life.
This doesn’t make them a bad person; it just means God has a different assignment for them.
Maybe they are at a different level in their growth but they’re not right for you for this season.

This is one of the hardest things we have to deal with, letting go of people that are not supposed to be in our lives. Bottom line; don’t hold on to what God is asking you to walk away from.
Another thought, you shouldn’t spend a lot of time with people that are always negative, people that are constantly discouraged; you gotta keep them cheered up, keep them fixed.

I’m all for helping people; I’m all for being a blessing sometimes we have to love people back into wholeness.
But if you’re always giving and never receiving that’s an unhealthy relationship. You need to gradually make a change.

By Collins  P. Alegbe

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