Sunday 6 September 2015



Just yesterday evening, a friend called me to meet him at a bar. I was thoughtful because he knew that am not an alcoholic. I only visit there because I enjoy seeing football matches with other fans, not alone.

Having arrived there, he sat me down and narrated his ordeal with his wife last Saturday.

The truth is that the wife really provoked him through abusive words, and even dared him to touch her upon the heat of her provocative words. The man got loosed and pounced on her so severely. Now, she's threatening divorce.

I quickly told my friend how wrong he was, despite the grave of the provocation.
I told him that any man who raises his 'manly' hands against a woman, no matter the gravity of the provocation, is a coward.

A wise man will leave the house for the meantime when such quarrel ensues. He will keep calm and come back when his woman is calm. He won't help the fire to engulf them. He will douse it as a real man he is.

But a foolish man will be manly. He will stay to
exchange words with his woman. He will act like a coward. He will stain and breach his love confessions for her.
He will bully his wife to show his manliness. He's not a 'real' man.

Women are naturally impulsive in their thoughts and actions, and only a 'real' man understands this.

A 'real' man understands better than his woman. He explains more to his wife whenever issues arises. He quells the duel timely. He controls the affairs gently. Those are the features of a real man.

How right is it for a man to beat-up his wife on any ground? So wrong!
Real and gentlemen don't do this. They find a way to eschew the bitterness, no matter how bitter.

A real man swallows the bitterness of love with ease, and with hope that it will even be sweeter again.

I advised my friend to go home and apologize to his wife, and promise her that he will never raise his hands on her again.
I told him to lead the reconciliation. I made him to realize that real men leads reconciliation bid, but pompous and ignorant ones waits for the woman to
apologize first.

My friend realized that if he apologize for bullying his wife, she will be sober and have no choice than to be remorseful for her own wrongs to him too.

Don't be surprise that if he apply these words of advice, it may be a new dawn in their love-life. Their present marital unsavories may turn to sweetness.

Do this for the sake of love; for the sake of your kids.
Tell her that you're sorry for not controlling your anger.
Tell her that you want her back; that you love her and still need her forever.

Real men are men in this situation. Real men won't watch their marriages crumble. Real men won't wait for their women to be the forerunner of the reconciliation; they swiftly bring their lovers back to their hearts and homes.

A real man foresees what will be the status of their offsprings in the society, if he fail to reconcile with his wife, and their children grow up from a broken home.

My Mum told me that my Dad has never raised his hands against her, despite her unnumbered display of 'woman-ness'.

Friends, what more can I say?
Just do the right thing.
Every woman must be
submissive and respectful to her man, for that will accrue her more love. But when she falls short of this, please, do not roast her alive.

Charles C. Dennis

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